Samantha is always camera-ready when she performs. She spins rifle with the Mason Band color guard, and she always has a sassy twinkle in her eye, no matter how risky a trick she is attempting. Her vivid expressions alone make her a magnetic entertainer, and they are combined with the skills she has acquired from not only her band years, but all the childhood years of practicing with her neighborhood friends as they imitated elder siblings who were training.

I met her in the second week of her first band camp on a day when the kids dressed as Disney characters. She was romping around in a full-body jungle cat costume among her friends with no sign of the usual freshman awkwardness. She either already felt completely at home, or at least knew how to fake it. Her ability to project confidence in any situation will be a great asset as she gets ready to launch into the world, and I’m sure she is more than capable to do anything she sets her mind to.