When mom contacted me to do her newborn portraits, she apologized many times for the short notice. I’m not really sure why. Newborns are by nature unpredictable. Even if we try to schedule their deliveries, we can’t really be sure that they are going to wait and do things according to our timelines. In any case, the baby was still only six days old when I had a free afternoon to spend with the family, which is in the ideal time range for newborn photos.

Mom was feeding the baby while I set up my gear, which meant I had a contented, sleepy little guy when she was done.

newborn yawning

I’m sure the parents were exhausted, but they didn’t show it. I was amazed at how well they all were doing.

newborn with family on bed

The big brothers were as cute as they could be.

newborn with brothers on bed newborn with brothers on bed newborn with brothers on bed

Dad was in full-on rocking/soothing mode.

newborn with dad

And Mom was . . .

newborn with mother

Mom looked far more put together than I did, and my baby is six YEARS old.

We decided to risk it all with the naked baby shots on white. Playing with fire, I know. But it was my blanket, and I have plenty of Woolite at home.


And we pressed our luck with the cute hats.

newborn in football hat

Then we pushed his tolerance a little too far with the props, and he got a little cranky. We were able to get a few more shots in, but he was going to stay awake and keep an eye on us from then on.

I did get a shot of his sweet little feet, though.

Newborn feet

No babies were harmed in the making of these photos. The blankets were no worse for wear after a little bath in Woolite, and no one needed to go change outfits during or after the shoot. So all in all, a successful session.