I’ve taken Aaron’s picture almost every year since he was around eleven, or maybe even earlier. I wasn’t prepared for him to sprout over six feet in the last couple of years, but no one asked me for permission. I knew Aaron had an easy, natural-appearing smile for the camera, so he got no warm-up phase, and we just launched into it. This was useful, because he had four different shirts, not because he is foppish, but because he had two solids he knew I would approve, and two plaids that he felt comfortable in. So since none of them required a change of pants, we cycled through all of them as we made a round of the park. The purple shirt looked especially nice with the purple flowers that he knew his mother liked.
Aaron is not only photogenic, but also strong academically and forward thinking. Although his plans may change, he currently has his sights set on becoming a doctor, possibly in radiology. Best of luck, Aaron, as you continue your journey!
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