Nolan loves music, his euphonium, and rooting for the Blue Coats drum corps. He is playing in three bands currently with three different instruments, and he has aspirations to be a music educator. So we knew that his senior session was going to highlight his music passion. He brought both a marching euphonium and a concert euphonium. The marching euphonium is the one that points forward, like a trumpet, while the concert euphonium points up when he plays it.

Nolan was fantastic to work with, as he is easy going, has great posture, and follows directions beautifully. I also have to give a shout out to his mom, Missy, who lugged at least one euphonium and a change of clothes all around the park, because we changed locations quite a lot. Then she had to be the “sun” and held the light and softbox high overhead as the real sun went down behind the clouds. If you know Missy, excessive height isn’t one of her attributes, so I had her climb benches and walls as needed.

The picture against the stone wall is a recreation of a pose from Nolan’s early years. I don’t have the original, but he was pretty darned cute. The grown up version is cute, too, of course, but one wouldn’t want to embarrass him by making an issue of it.

We didn’t end up with a colorful sunset because the clouds were too heavy, but we did bring out the color in the real sky by using a colored gel on the flash and balancing the flash and natural light to get a nice contrasty effect. And I like to think the result is a good homage to his beloved Blue Coats. Bluuue!