Poppy is a flutist, a nature enthusiast, and an animal lover. She’s just wrapped up a marching band season and isn’t sure if she wants to pursue music full-time, but knows she wants to keep it active in her life. She also sings and plays the piano.

Considering we started her session at the crack of dawn, Poppy was very cheerful and obliging, not to mention punctual. I had her walk the Gorge Trail, doing the return trip in her lace dress, but it didn’t faze her. The only part of walking that she found difficult was when I had her walk toward me on the bridge, and I found out that swinging her arms doesn’t come naturally to her, at least not when a camera is pointed at her. Or maybe it was because she was trying to keep her wrap from slipping off her shoulders. Aside from this minor challenge, she was a fantastic model, and made getting up early worth it!