I’ve seen Alix without her glasses before, but only for about five seconds. She typically prefers to wear her glasses when she has her picture taken, but today was sunny, and her transitional lenses were so dark, that she decided to go without them, and I’m so glad she did. It was a bit like when Diana Prince takes off her glasses and suddenly, she’s Wonder Woman. I can’t decide if her eyes are blue, green, or grey, but they are stunning.

Alix is one of the Mason Band color guard, which means she can look like a delicate pixie, but don’t underestimate her underlying toughness. She has graceful hand movements and follows both spoken and nonspoken cues beautifully. Her ability to express herself with her hands and synthesize non-verbal cues falls right in line with her goal of studying American Sign Language as a career path.

I’ve loved watching her go from a shy freshman to a confident and capable young woman over the last few years. I hope she continues to follow her passions and has a fabulous senior year!