Lauren is a nature photographer and is at home among the flora and a fauna. I’m pretty sure that none of my other subjects would have exclaimed, “I just saw a jumping spider!” with as much delight in their voices as Lauren did.

Although Lauren would much rather be behind the camera than in front of it, she did a wonderful job at being my model at Glenwood Gardens. She obliged me by picking her way into little picturesque nooks without disturbing the vegetation, and I was grateful that her boots and sandals were so practical for our walk.

It was very cloudy, so the light fell quickly, and I had to pull out my extra lights much earlier in the session than usual, but her very helpful mother held up the lights for me and Lauren didn’t complain or flinch at the extra pops of flash.

Although Lauren is obviously beautiful to look at, she far prefers using her camera to show others the beautiful things that she sees. My favorite picture of Lauren is the one where she is holding the camera. I think she is ready for the cover of Outdoor Photographer.