As I promised, I have more images to share from last week’s family photo shoot.

Although we did get a very successful group photo at the start of the session while everyone was fresh, it wasn’t long before we heard the “I’m done” from the two-year-old. Typically, in a family session, the younger kids have a pretty short attention span, and I like to get some individual shots from the adults and older kids when the younger ones need a rest. Fortunately, the adults were pretty darn photogenic on their own, and the oldest girl was just a little angel.

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In this case, a two-minute break and some juice did the trick for the little ones, and their curiosity brought them back.

Eventually, we were able to work in an extra group photo and some individual portraits of the younger kids as well, when they were ready to be the center of attention again.

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Those adorable cherub smiles were worth the wait!

We also did some non-seasonal family photos, which I’ll be sharing in a future post!