Okay, so I know nothing is perfect, especially when it involves the words “family” and “photo” anywhere near each other. But you know the dream, right? The kids are all smiling, and no one is melting down or picking his nose. Mom’s hair is perfect, and Dad doesn’t have that “I can’t believe I’m missing the Sunday game for this” look in his eye.

Well take hope. It can happen.

Last week, I played a mini-game on Wii Party called Smile Snap. There are eight people lined up on the screen for a group portrait, and players only have one chance and a limited number of seconds to snap a photo. Whoever has the most people facing the camera and smiling wins. When I played this with my sister, comically, we snapped our photos at the exact same instant. We tied for the win, as both of us had all eight faces smiling at the same time. This was the first time I had accomplished such a thing, and perhaps it was an omen.

Yesterday, I had a photo shoot with this gorgeous family, and the magic moment happened.


As God is my witness, I did not head swap in Photoshop. At least not in this photo. 🙂 There might be a trace of longing in Dad’s eyes for the Bengals game, but it’s hidden pretty well, I thought. I did use Photoshop to eliminate a light switch by the fireplace, but other than that and some minor exposure adjustment, this was the shot pretty much as it came out of the camera.

Now, I admit, much of the credit goes to my able baby wrangler son, who turns nine next month. I believe this was somewhere in between his opening juggling act and his rendition of “What Does the Fox Say?”

I have plenty more photos to go through from this shoot, so you will be seeing them again soon.