You have to have nerves of steel to be in family portraits with kids under two. I tell parents to stay relaxed unless their children spontaneously combust. Because the instant that child is diverted by me, my assistant, or a passing squirrel, and forgets for 1/250 second that he’s supposed to be miserable, that is the moment that is going in the family album, and you don’t want to be caught in mid-face-palm.
I actually forgot to give these parents the pre-game speech, but luckily, they showed remarkable grace under pressure. Their toddler was in no mood to sit down or even stand in one place. Their baby was calmer, but a bit suspicious of the strange lady with the big white lens. But with both parents keeping their cool and going with the flow, we were able to get some sweet family moments as the kids relaxed.
You certainly did get some sweet family moments, Nancy. These are beautiful photos.