James and Angie are easy going people. Angie wanted some nice pictures of their family before their eldest graduates at the end of this school year, and her husband preferred to have fall colors. Other than that, they pretty much let me choose the time, date, and place, knowing that we were all bound by the constraints of marching band season.

James is one of the volunteer photographers for the Mason Marching Band, but as I well know, it’s often much easier to take pictures of other people’s families than your own. And I didn’t hear him tell any dad jokes, but he is definitely prone to making dad faces. I am not sure if his kids thought he was funny, but it definitely helped me relax!

The two girls are clarinet players, and considering they spend twenty hours a week outside of school in the same section, still seem to treat each other with consideration. I feel this deserves praise and respect.

All in all, I enjoyed a pleasant afternoon with this charming family, and I’m sorry it took me this long to get the pictures posted from their session!