I’ve been photographing this cute family for ten years now. This year, they decided to do their photo session at home, since the trees were beautifully colored, and they could include their fur baby, Finn. Finn was lukewarm on this idea, mind you. There was a definite hierarchy to what deserved his attention, and voice command was pretty low on that list. Promises of treats fared better, but chipmunk superseded all.

It was a rainy weekend, so most of their pictures were taken while standing. Brian chops a lot of wood from fallen trees on their lot, so they have an impressive array of woodpiles and stumps. I do like a good posing stump.

Both Karen and Brian look exactly the same as ten years ago. Lucy has grown up quite a bit, naturally. Though she is still petite, her face is much more mature, and she feels more awkward about holding hands with her parents. She was polite enough not to roll her eyes at me, though. At least not when I was looking. And she’s still awfully cute in photographs.