Jeff and Bertie may be the best known couple in our church. Bertie heads up the Sunday School program, and Jeff–I’m not sure what his official title is, but Chief of Introductions might be appropriate. Not the kind of aggressive, obligatory hand-shaking tackle that makes introverted visitors slink sideways toward the door, but a more organic, down-to-earth friendliness.

Anyway, Jeff and Bertie brought their whole clan over for a family portrait session. This is where over-familiarity can cost you. Talking to them every week, I had neglected to ask a few basic questions that I normally ask my clients. So I had assumed that that they wanted an outdoor session, when in fact, they wanted to split their session into outdoor and indoor portions. This was probably due in part to the morning chill, since it was just above freezing.

So we agreed to get the outdoor shots done first, and then they would need to give me a few minutes to set up the studio, because a lot of my lights were packed into bags for traveling.

The little cherubs were as cute as could be and didn’t seem at all fazed by the cold.

Backyard family session Backyard family session Backyard family session Backyard family session Backyard family session Backyard family session

Then I had to stow the whole family in my living room while I set up the studio in the basement. My living room was au naturel, which may or may not have included toys dumped on the floor and discarded boys’ long underwear on the couch. Then I needed to enlist the help of two people to break down the ping pong table as I set up lights.

In the meantime, the younger boy had forged a bond with Sliver the T-Rex, a toy dinosaur that transforms into a race car, which he found in one of the toy drawers. Sliver is capable of uttering “over 50 wild sounds and phrases,” most of which would be considered somewhat rude. Therefore, we neglected to keep his batteries charged. Rendered mercifully silent, Sliver was included in most of the family photos, but digitally rubbed out.

Studio family session Studio family session Studio family session Studio family session

Jeff and Bertie’s family was as gracious as could be about the wait and the whole long underwear thing. I didn’t make them sign a nondisclosure agreement about what they saw in my untidy house, either. But if they squeal on me, I’m going to find a way to slip the little boy Sliver the T-Rex to take home. With fresh batteries.