A lovely clear sky, a dainty woodland nymph, and the fairy tale grounds of Spring Grove Arboretum. What else could you want for a senior portrait session?

Well, the greedy photographer in me would ask for a few clouds. Clouds would have evened out the lighting and made everything much easier. But it was not to be, so my trusty assistant and I used supplemental lighting and did our best to wrestle that harsh lighting into something that would highlight Laura’s delicate features.

Laura isn’t crazy about having her picture taken, which I totally sympathize with. But she was very patient and cooperative with posing this way and that, having lights pointed at her, and being made to perch on various trees and stony edifices.

Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove

Laura is a saxophone player, so we made sure to include it. In case anyone is wondering, that’s an alto sax. 🙂

Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove

No more tree climbing once she changed into her dress, but stone walls and steps were still fair game, as were wooden bridges.

Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove

By this time she was getting quite chilly. I said it was a clear day, but I didn’t say warm.

Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove

But she still had enough left in her to channel her inner supermodel for a few shots.

Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove Senior girl portrait at Spring Grove

Many thanks to Laura for being such a trouper. Also thanks to the supporting cast: Tisha for tirelessly grooming renegade hairs and wrinkles, and Jordan and Blake, who occasionally hoisted lights that needed to go beyond my assistant’s arm span, and most importantly, didn’t grumble at how long all of this was taking. It was a delight to work with all of you!