Anthony is an honor student and an accomplished young violinist. He has won numerous competitions earning him the recent opportunity to perform solo with the Dayton Philharmonic. He has been awarded several prestigious scholarships, including From the Top’s Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award. He’s bound for Julliard. He swims competitively. I could go on, but then you might hate him. And Anthony is actually a very likable guy.

We did his session at Smale Park in downtown Cincinnati. It was sunny and a bit chilly for the Julliard T-shirt alone, but he is a man used to sacrificing for his art.

We got out the extra lighting as sunset approached so we could capture more of the color in the fountain lights and in the sky behind the bridge. Anthony’s mom is of modest height, but she kept the light raised as long as I needed it. She’s used to sacrifice for her kids as well.

Best of luck to Anthony as he finishes his very impressive high school career!