We really lucked out with the weather for Katelyn’s session. It was pleasantly cloudy, not too hot, and it looked like the thundershowers in the forecast were going to hold off long enough for us to get in a full session. Katelyn got up early enough to be on site within an hour of sunrise, and she looked stunning. She chose her outfits well to suit the surroundings and they complemented her delicate coloring beautifully.

Katelyn is a member of the award-winning color guard at Mason High School, so she dances, twirls flags, and takes verbal cues really well. She could follow multiple posing directions at a time. I made her bring flip flops for walking from one side of the park to the other, but she didn’t really need them. Apparently year-round color guard training helps you develop really tough feet. We were able to cover the whole park without a single complaint from her.

The big storm rolled in about two hours later, with torrential rain and lightning, but thanks to her willingness to get up so early, we were all done and stayed dry.

Thank you, Katelyn, for a wonderful session, and best of luck in your senior year!