Dominic is a well-rounded young man. He was a competitive runner until he racked up multiple stress fractures and needed to take a break. He is currently focusing on his academic pursuits and is contemplating a medical career. He is also a snappy dresser, right down to the blue suede shoes.

We chose this park in Deerfield Township for his session because it had a few nicely weathered buildings and a labyrinth of trails to explore. It is also adjacent to a privately owned historic mansion, whose owners were gracious enough to give us permission to let us  shoot a few pictures on their property.

I made Dominic change into slightly gripper footwear when it was time to hit the trail for the more rugged part of our photographic adventure because the trail gets a little steep and slippery in places. He’s definitely in better shape than I am, even though he’s no longer actively training, because he made better time than I did on the trail and didn’t break a sweat. Which is good, since we were taking his picture and no one wants to be all shiny.

Dominic was very obliging and good-natured, even though he had pretty much figured out that I had wandered down the wrong trail twice leading our party. I had done reconnaissance of the trails a week and a half before, but I quit the Girl Scouts after one year of Brownies, and my woodland tracking skills aren’t what they could be. Dominic’s mother gave me some welcome tips for next time.

We did retrace our steps successfully, although we were back to the parking lot a few minutes behind schedule. Many apologies to Dominic and the Science Olympiad team for holding him up from the meeting, and good luck on the college decision making in the year ahead!