We scheduled this session in February hoping for snow. This young man is a fan of winter sports, particularly snowboarding. We were hoping for a few action shots of shredding the slopes, but after a few weeks of unseasonably warm weather, we had to give it up. We did this session with the temperature at 65 degrees, and he didn’t even need to roll his sleeves down.

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I have to say I was very impressed by his maturity. His mom initially contacted me, but he handled the final details of scheduling and arranging to meet. He even showed up five minutes early at the somewhat obscure parking lot I had chosen.

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The session was literally a walk in the park. Often I use more gear on a senior shoot, but for this young man’s casual, laid-back style, I wanted to go with a very natural look, so I left my lights in my bag. I didn’t even use a reflector. We strolled about a mile, since he was in comfortable shoes and I didn’t need to bring light stands. If I hadn’t lent my pedometer to my son for a science project, I would be able to tell you exactly how far we walked, but those details were sacrificed for the noble cause of education.

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Speaking of education, this young man is interested in medical school and research. It’s refreshing to meet someone else who thought calculus was fun. With his intelligence, sense of responsibility, and his flexibility to take things as they come, I expect he will be successful in whatever he eventually pursues!