Travel guidebooks tell you that you are more likely to get mugged if you look distracted or lost as you walk down the sidewalk, so they advise you to look purposeful and focused. This young lady will make thieves look elsewhere. She has one of the most purposeful and determined walks I’ve seen in someone this age. And if a would-be mugger is foolish enough to approach her, she has a black belt in taekwondo.

Granted, I think the determination in her walk may have been from wanting to get through the whole photo session thing, because she doesn’t like being fussed over, primped, and dressed up. But who can resist when she cleans up like this?

Senior Girl in Lace Dress Senior Girl in Lace Dress Senior Girl in Lace Dress Senior Girl in Lace Dress Senior Girl in Lace Dress

She was very cooperative, though, although I know she was just dying to get back into comfortable clothes and hold her dog. I didn’t have to coax any smiles from her then.

Senior Girl With Dog

She was happy to be in nature and walking on the trails. I think she would have been happier if that darn photographer didn’t keep stopping her to take pictures, though. But she hung in there, and by then, she was a seasoned pro at posing so everything went much faster.

Senior Girl With Fence Senior Girl With Fence

And she looked beautiful.

Senior Girl Close Up

Thank you Hailey, for your great sportsmanship!