Ty has been working at Big Tree Plantation since he was a junior high student, so he is very much at home there. From this and summer work with a landscaping company, he was able to save enough to buy The Truck. I capitalize The Truck, because I know nothing about cars, but even I can tell that his is a very nice one. I didn’t buy my first car until I was in my 30s (still driving it, too), and it isn’t nearly as impressive.

In addition to being diligent and goal-oriented, Ty is a talented athlete. This means that in addition to pictures at Big Tree Plantation, and the obligatory downtown Lebanon pictures in his suit, we also hit the baseball fields. We had two hours, but his mom and I, after two older brother sessions of working together, are a well-oiled picture-taking machine. His session was actually the shortest of the three brothers, but yielded the most proofs.

Much of the credit goes to Ty himself. He caught on right away what I wanted him to do and could anticipate when I was ready for the next pose. He quickly learned that if he adjusted his pose slightly on his own between clicks without waiting to be directed, I would be done that much faster and we could move on. And so we moved through all our target locations with great efficiency so that we were actually done about ten minutes before I needed to leave for another commitment.

I’m already so impressed with what Ty has accomplished at age 17 that I’m very curious to see what he ends up doing next!