I know it’s cliche, but it seems not long ago we were doing pictures of lovely Julia in her prom dress, and then high school senior photos. Now she has her nursing degree, is starting her new job at the hospital, and is newly engaged to Kyle. Not to mention mommy to a four-month-old kitten named Hazel. At first glance, it would be hard to say who was the most photogenic among Julia, Kyle, and Hazel, but five minutes into the session, we had a clear winner.

It was definitely Julia. Kyle is handsome, charming, and very obliging, but he has extraordinary light sensitivity on a sunny morning, and he blinks. And Hazel is gorgeous, but she is essentially a toddler and a cat, which means no attention span and during the brief moments she looked at me, it was clear that she wasn’t impressed. Julia’s mom came to collect Hazel after a few minutes of picture taking, and it was clear that Hazel was ready to go. I hear that she was asleep in five minutes into the car drive.

Julia and Kyle did not get off quite so easily. Ault Park has many picturesque nooks, and we wandered around with the weather changing from blazing sun, sudden thundershowers lasting about half an hour, and back to blazing sun. We waited out most of the showers in our cars and then made a break for the pavilion when the rain got light. I was hoping to take a few pictures there, but we found ourselves surrounded by about twenty little day campers social distancing under the shelter, which kind of broke the romantic mood. Not to mention the City of Cincinnati Parks Department pickup parked in front of the fountain. So we moved along when we were able to.

The rain did cool things down just for a few minutes, and it left puddles on the sidewalk (a.k.a reflecting pools), so I was grateful for those blessings. And Julia and Kyle were both so accommodating and fun to work with, so that was another blessing. Kyle was very gracious, but he was roasting in a long sleeved shirt and jeans. I knew that he was as ready to be done with pictures as Hazel had been, so I finally let them go enjoy the air conditioning in the car. I think he was driving, so I hope he stayed awake for more than five minutes!

I’m looking forward to their wedding in a year!