Katie and Evan had a cautious start to their relationship, then a fast-tracked courtship culminating in a proposal involving an uninvited wild raccoon. They both serve in the youth group ministry at church, and their love for kids is evident in their relationship with the mini-members of their wedding party. They had planned to go to a nearby park for photos, but had to change plans due to the rain. Fortunately, they were able to adapt, and settled for outdoor photos from the church driveway and from the top of the drainage slope behind the building.

They choreographed an elaborate reception entrance plan, but without the benefit of being actually able to see the layout in real time. Therefore, I may have been the only one in the room who had a good view of the wedding couple as they passed through the wedding party corridor, so obviously I have to share that here.

Even though wedding days are generally full of activity from beginning to end, Katie and Evan managed to find little pockets of time to relax and recharge in each other’s company. Hopefully this ability to prioritize time together will continue to be a lifetime habit!