Abby is a multi-talented young lady. She teaches piano, plays soccer, and is weighing the pros and cons of getting a degree in music performance vs. biology. I came to learn that although she is shy in front of the camera, she apparently does not hold back on the soccer field, and has recent bruises and fractures to prove it!

Despite her obvious natural beauty, she is not crazy about having her picture taken. She was a bit self-conscious under the lights on the piano stage and for her formal school yearbook headshot, but relaxed visibly when she was out in the field with a soccer ball. We had been planning to go to a nearby park for most of the outdoor photos, but the radar showed the storms moving in, so we opted to just get a few pictures in a nearby small grove of trees in the parking lot.

We were blessed to have the rain hold off until we were done, and ended up with a lovely collection of images that will hopefully help convince her of how photogenic she is!