The first pictures of Cameron I took was in his hospital room when he was a newborn. He should be happy that I am too lazy to find the negatives and reproduce those pictures here. I do have more recent and accessible photos of him over the years, some of which may or may not include footie pajamas. Let’s just say that I’ve known Cameron for a long time and have a lot of ammo history over the years, and he can only hope either my memory or my hard drive fails before his wedding.

Cameron did his last piano recital as a high school senior recently, and we took some photos afterwards at the recital hall at Willis Music in Kenwood. Many thanks to the manager there for being gracious enough to let us have some extra time after the crowd had dispersed and the store had closed.

Normally, the recital venue has an elegant black Steinway, but that was being rented for an event, so we had a smaller wood finish Boston piano. The warm tone of the piano still looked nice with the turquoise shirt. We turned off the lights in the studio to control the direction of the lighting a bit more, although the house lighting was nice for the performance itself and the numerous group shots that families were taking afterwards.

Cameron did a fine job on his recital piece, as did the other young pianists, and then managed to keep his nice outfit unstained with the cookies and refreshments afterwards. When the rest of the families had gone, I set up a few lights and let Cameron do his own thing on the piano, including a piece that he had composed, but has not yet committed to score paper.

Congratulations to Cameron on his rapidly approaching graduation and his musical accomplishments! I hope you finally get your composition written down someday soon!