Michael is bright, personable, and a quick study. I told him a few posing basics, and he was remarkably adept at remembering all the details so I barely had to instruct him after a short while. He also could tell when I had gotten the shot I wanted, and would then change his expression from neutral/pleasant to full smile or vice versa so we could move along more quickly. With such quick adaptive skills, you might think he might be headed for a career in diplomacy or maybe sales, but he’s planning on studying accounting. But I don’t blame him. I’d rather do math than negotiate deals any day, myself.

Senior boy at Sharon Woods Senior boy at Sharon Woods Senior boy at Sharon Woods Senior boy at Sharon Woods

But then the pictures in the sport coat are convincing me he would make a very respectable accountant.

Senior boy at Sharon Woods Senior boy at Sharon Woods Senior boy at Sharon Woods Senior boy at Sharon Woods

I mean, how could you not trust this face?

Senior boy at Sharon Woods

Thank you, Michael for making my job so easy and for the pleasure of spending a beautiful afternoon with you and your mom. Math people rule!