Andrew is a people person. He is charming and friendly, with an energetic, fun-loving attitude. Dressed professionally in his mini-polka-dotted shirt and neatly pressed slacks, it was easy to imagine him as an aspiring media producer or rising young executive. But when I tried to coach him to assume a more aloof, supercilious attitude for variety, it was hard for him to suppress his natural, boyish grin. So we just went with that, since no mama could resist those dimples.

We did his session starting at one of his main hangouts, Liberty Center. I hadn’t been there much prior to scouting for his session, but there is a wealth of colorful textures and backgrounds there. I could see how Andrew’s personality fit in well with the vibrant atmosphere. He changed into a more casual outfit part way through the session so he could loosen up a little.

We spent the second part of his extended session at Pine Hill Lakes Park, which will be the subject of the next post.